Using both the BMI and STAR concepts, Dr Suzette Zaayman approaches a holistic health with her clients.
She does individual consultations, as well as groups, workshops, and retreats.
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Defining health should not solely revolve around having a fully functional body with no diseases present. Rather, true health is living in accordance with our soul’s highest calling, which ultimately impacts our reality and entire system.
When we have a clear understanding of our identity, we can better answer our soul’s calling. Following this calling enables us to move beyond mere survival mode and instead live with purpose, possessing a body capable of receiving and learning its lessons.
As all aspects of life are in a constant state of evolution, healing must also evolve beyond simply eliminating physical symptoms. It entails releasing symptoms that no longer serve us and finding the path towards loving the life we lead.
On a balance scale, the presence of health implies the existence of disease. When we are healthy, we tend to feel content, and thoughts about our identity and origins rarely cross our minds.
However, the moment we become ill, we often become overwhelmed by the many worries in our lives. Sickness tends to make us perceive ourselves as unhappy.
While medical terminology defines disease as an abnormal pathological condition that harms the body, we must never forget that we are not solely physical bodies. Thus, we must consider disease by examining our mental and emotional states, which constitute our whole being.
This realization reveals that there is much more to illness, disease, and disorder than just physical manifestations. We recognize that disease often results from conscious and subconscious mental attitudes that block the flow of energy within our bodies
All living organisms possess an innate drive to survive, which scientists refer to as the biological imperative and philosophers refer to as the will to live. This drive is facilitated by a complex and interconnected communication system, similar to human communication through language and body language within a mind-body relationship or partnership. When our bodies exhibit physical, emotional, or mental symptoms, the challenge lies in our ability to hear and comprehend the conversation that takes place within our bodies.
When our bodies communicate a message of health, we experience happiness. However, if our bodies communicate via symptoms, we may believe that we are unwell and unhappy. However, this is not entirely accurate because these symptoms simply indicate that something is out of sync within our bodies, and the first step is to try to understand the message. The most crucial aspect is to maintain an open mind because this attitude helps us comprehend the meaning of the symptom.
If we get caught up in the dramas around us, we may succumb to powerful energies that can harm us and respond with a fight or flight response, even if it is just in our minds.
The conversation with our organs is evident since each organ is directly related to a specific fundamental biological conflict. For example, skin issues arise due to conflicts related to separation and contact. Breast problems are caused by conflicts related to separation and nurturing. Fear of death triggers lung problems, while difficulties in absorbing shocks affect the knees. Back problems arise from carrying a weight that is too heavy, and so on.
This is essential because imagine how fast and accurately a diagnosis could be made if our healthcare professionals took a holistic approach. This approach would not only save us significant amounts of money but also prevent us from experiencing immense pain, distress, and suffering.
Therefore, before reaching for medication or making an appointment with a doctor when we experience a specific symptom, we can seek insight into our emotional and mental state of being and draw support from our intuitive awareness. We must use our body-mind-intuition connection and look within our subconscious minds (or inner being) for answers.
This holistic perspective has been in circulation for ages, and adopting it can lead to all of us enjoying the benefits of holistic health.
There are four main ingredients within our psyche when we consider our ability to handle trauma and shock. These are our biology, our belief system, our conscious mind, and our goal-achieving subconscious minds. We know that as air and water look for the easiest route, better known as the road of least resistance, unfortunately, pathogens, viruses, germs, bacteria, et cetera do the same when trying to get into our bodies. Of course, we very soon become aware of their presence in our bodies when we have symptoms that we consciously perceive through our senses (we feel sick, et cetera). However, how exactly do we know that we are sick?
From conception, we record everything happening in our lives as a memory within our subconscious mind. When we consciously sense something happening within our bodies, we recall the stored memory, and our bodies react. Unfortunately, our historical conditioning has also programmed our subconscious mind to believe that if it is in our DNA to have heart attacks or cancer, depression or bipolar, our goal-achieving subconscious mind will fulfil this belief. Our biology will create a defective immune system that reacts to stress, crises, and traumas, using them as triggers for illness and disease, and our subconscious mind will fulfil this command.
We will create situations where we strain our physical system to the point of spilling over into symptoms. If we repress, deny or ignore these symptoms repeatedly, the harmful elements will find the road of least resistance and attack the softest target (organ) within our body.
If we now remember that, as humans, we usually fear trauma because we are afraid of death, we need to consider what we believe about trauma and shock carefully, as it profoundly influences our biology. We need to determine the source of our fear and ask ourselves if we fear the pain that goes together with the trauma or the emotional separation that we feel in the instance of death.
Every person, within their subconscious mind, has the answer. The trick is to find the answer by being brutally honest and looking at all situations in our lives holistically. We need to look at the circumstances we face and see what we can learn and then decide for ourselves if this is the whole? Is this everything that I can be, no matter what I have to face or is there more to come?
To do this, we need to apply our other two senses, namely, our intuition (sixth sense) and our sense of thought (consideration) and determine if there is any benefit to us when we are ill. In other words, does our illness serve us? Do we thrive on attention? Get more love and care, or time out from difficult circumstances? Or can we grow within the situations we face?
The answer is within our subconscious mind. We only need to find it.
If we accept the concept that everything starts within us, we also affirm that any manifested illness and disease originate within us. If this is our belief system, we also accept that our bodies communicate with us via symptoms and that if we scrutinize these through our intuition, we will understand the full spectrum of health. Now it is possible to open ourselves so that we can learn some lessons.
We start by looking at the unresolved issues that have been present in our subconscious minds for a long time, eventually causing the manifestation of signs and symptoms as the origin of our problems.
We remember the body-mind-intuitive connection that operates as a whole, and we accept that the pain in our back could be because of an injury or a postural problem. But, it could also be because of the weight we carry within our mental body, or the overload of trouble we carry with us is just too much. Sometimes it is even something as mundane as having to protect our back from backstabbing friends or family, and, therefore, no amount of vertebral fusion will rectify the problem. We will only have to fuse the next and the next one.
We, therefore, look at our connections intensely and, specifically, our internal mind-body connection. We look at the physical symptoms as external energy first and try to medicate it as the cause, even though we know that manifesting external causes (injury) could subconsciously be only the result of a deeper need. Therefore, we should change our mindset and look towards our bodies in terms of balance with the clear intent to see and treat the whole additional to seeking medical intervention.
We need to remember nobody walking on this earth only experiences ideal circumstances and situations. As souls having a human experience, we have to grow, clear past karma, create new karma, and have the faith that we are on the right path.
We also have to realize that nobody has all the answers. There is no right or wrong place to be. What is right for me could be wrong for the next person, depending on our individualized reality. Therefore, it is only our thoughts that can limit us.
We create our existence and circumstances through our thoughts, and if we are lucky, we learn and grow. Our lives consist of patterns and cycles, and we continuously relive the same experiences until we can establish new ones.
Therefore, let us start today. Take control over our thoughts, as that is a sure way to create a better tomorrow.
Our bodies are constantly undergoing a process of cellular evolution throughout our lives. The information gathered from these cells is stored in our subconscious mind and organs, which we refer to as our cell memory. However, like everything in life, there is a power struggle within our bodies between good and bad cells, resulting in a continuous process of rebirth. Some cells die, while others rejuvenate, contributing to our cosmic evolutionary scheme.
To create the body we desire in the future, we must improve our perception of the past by changing the cell memory and removing blockages in our energy flow. We rewrite our history by transforming the input in our subconscious mind, ultimately changing our programming. This change begins within, and we must work on our authentic character to evolve our historical habits.
When we experience illness, it can negatively affect our attitude towards ourselves and life in general. Pain disrupts the connections within our body, mind, and intuition, indicating that something is out of balance. By turning inward and examining the reasons for our negative emotions and self-blame, we can prevent future diseases from manifesting.
Manifested diseases can weigh us down, but we must remember that we are more than just our physical bodies and symptoms. As spiritual beings, we can strive to balance our body, mind, and intuition to live a fulfilling life, even beyond our physical form.
There is a field of energy that vibrates between people no matter what language we speak. That is why we like some people and dislike others. We call this vibration our chemistry and, this energy affects the health of the cells within our bodies in an intricate connection that we call our body-mind-connection.
We usually find that when our energy frequency is in line with everybody around us and, do as they do, we have numerous friends. However, if we no longer wish to control, manipulate or practice self-interest, and decide to raise our vibration, the difference in frequency becomes apparent. Suddenly we find ourselves on a less travelled road because few are undertaking this extraordinary trip.
The usual reason to expand our consciousness is that we desire a different lifestyle. When we start to live within a more conscious attitude, we realize that we are much more than a physical body with cells and organs with skin and bone barriers that we know as the person. We are also a mental body that consists of our thoughts. Then, when we feel better about ourselves because of this new mindset, we realize we also have an emotional body that incorporates our feelings and emotions. When these all come together, it is through our spiritual body because this body encompasses our intuition.
By adding our intuitive abilities and emotions to our thoughts and deeds, we have a unit of bodies that represent life within us. Now, we understand that we receive messages through our senses, that within a fertile mind, takes on form and produce a result. We call this our body-mind-intuitive connection that speaks with much more than words.
Our choice to be on this road means we trust that an increased vibration will change our lives because we improve our concept of life here on earth. It means we transcend the old patterns we accepted as our truth and replace them with the new and improved mindset because we control our thoughts today to create a better tomorrow.
Now words such as ‘what we give is what we receive’ makes more sense and, through this awareness, we heal.